Thursday, October 23, 2008

Brunetto on Environment

Essentially what this video is talking about is how the solar energy that the Sun gives off each day is not being put to good use. Solar panels are becoming more and more popular in states such as California. Solar panels are a good investment and buying in bulk is worth the initial price. This is not only an affordable alternative energy but it is clean. There are little to no Carbon Dioxide emissions and the only gases that are used as a backup are natural gasses.

The Problem
Industralized countries produce 75% of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide contributes about half of all of the greenhouses gases in the atmosphere. Because it is a result of many important and common processes we use every day, limiting their use is going to be a difficult, but forseeable task. The greenhouse gases are warming the Earth and some of the most important and destructive results are the polar ice caps melting and rising sea levels. This will mean many islands disappearing, flooding in coastlines, displaced families, and many crops ruined.
The Solution
One of the increasingly popular solutions to the global warming effect is alternative energy. There are many ways in which America can reduce our carbon dioxide and other pollutant emissions. Chris has recently been pushing for more wind and solar energy. Both of these energies emit little to no pollutants into the air. According to the National Geographic, “More energy falls as sunlight on the US in a single day, than it uses in a year.” All of this wasted energy, coming from the Sun and the wind needs to be put to use. Wind turbines and solar panels not only will reduce our emmissions, but also will decrease our foreign dependency, and our gas prices will inevidently go down. This is significant to our generation because this is our future. We need to stop the global warming before it becomes something that is inescapable and directly affects our lives everyday.

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